New after-school programme in South Africa

New after-school programme in South Africa

As we reported in our last newsletter, Metro Kids Africa (MKA) was able to purchase a 3rd Land Rover due to the generosity of many of you. The vehicle was necessary to help with the issues we have been having with the old Land Rover’s but also to start extra programmes. In April we started a new Sidewalk after-school programme in an area called Crossroads in Cape Town using our new Landy. We are thrilled because on a Wednesday afternoon we now have our Sidewalk after school programme running in 3 different areas in Cape Town reaching 1000 children in one day!

A member of the Crossroads community had seen MKA at a Sidewalk afterschool programme and was so impressed that she asked us to start programmes in her area.

We pray that many hundreds of children will know Jesus and commit to following Him therefore stopping the cycle of crime and all that comes with it.

News for 2024

We do get enquiries from people asking about volunteering with MKA in the summer months of the northern hemisphere. Due to South Africa being in the southern hemisphere the months of July and August can be cold and rainy and so MKA takes a winter break from the Sidewalk after-school programmes. We use this time for training, lesson preparation for the next term plus home visits with children and their families.

Thanks for all your support, we know we couldn’t serve the children in South Africa and Uganda without you.

Janet, James and all at MKA

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