Dear Friend,
In the winter school holidays in South Africa, we organised a holiday club in the Nyanga area of Cape Town. Nyanga is consistently in the top 3 most violent places to live in South Africa. Every day, children hear gun shots and live in fear wondering if the gangs will come to their home and rob them.
The holiday club was a precious time for over 700 children each day.

Staff and our incredible teenage volunteers worked tirelessly to make this a special week for the children. Our volunteers gave up their week off to be at the holiday club hall each day at 8.30 am and always were patient and kind with the children in their teams. One of the young leaders took a brave step and became the star of the play that was performed each day.

Throughout the week we saw our leaders and volunteers care and show love to the children.
Yandiswa, a staff member, noticed a 9-year-old girl looking unwell on Day 3. She cried and said her tummy was hurting, but she had not wanted to miss holiday club and so had come along even though she felt poorly. She said “ i thought i would feel better once i got to the holiday club.” Yandiswa picked the girl up and put heron her back and carried her home. The mother was so grateful to Yandiswa for bringing her daughter home and said “I really appreciate how the Sidewalk team takes care of our children and makes sure that they are safe”.

Five ladies from the community cooked hot meals for the children. When schools are on holiday children often do not have access to a cooked meal and the kids were very excited to have this every day. They kept asking what the meal for each day would be as the ladies made a real effort and cooked different things. The children were excited and happy to even receive seconds if they wanted it.
Words from the MKA staff “ I just want to thank everyone who has given money towards this, it was a big success, and I thank God for making it possible. These children need more of these things to keep them away from doing bad and its good they have a chance of hearing the word of God and of having fun while they are not at school. It was such a great time for all of us that week.”
This holiday club would not have happened without the donations given during our Christmas Appeal in 2023. Thank you to everyone who gave and helped this week be possible. We thank you for your continuous support.
Janet, James and all at MKA